Five steps to ensure your promotional video is successful

Josh Rockman Video Production, Video Production tips Leave a Comment

The right promotional video production can be key to increasing the visibility and revenue of your business. But what makes a great promotional video? Follow these five essential tips for promotional video production success!

1. Find a professional promotional video production company

Choosing the right promotional video production company in Melbourne, or wherever you may be is absolutely key to the success of your project. You need to do your research thoroughly to make sure the company has experience in producing a wide range of promotional videos for different businesses across a variety of industries. Take a look at their website and social media channels – do you like the examples of their previous work they’re showcasing?

It’s also important to find out what previous clients are saying about them. Make sure you check online reviews and customer testimonials to ensure that the company you’re choosing is trustworthy and professional. If they have a blog, take the time to look at this, too. A truly professional promotional video production company will be offering sound advice to any potential clients. And don’t be shy about asking questions, the production company should be eager to offer their expertise and recommendations.

Video Producer getting ready for shoot

2. Create a solid and achievable brief

Once you’ve chosen your promotional video production team, it’s important to work with them to create a brief that not only does everything you want it to but is also achievable within your timescale and budget. Think about the story you want your video to tell. What are the best ways of telling it? Now is the time to consider some of the key details you may want to include, such as:

  • Animations
  • Music
  • Voiceovers
  • Actors
  • Management and Staff
  • Locations

Remember, some of these things will add more time and cost to your video production.

You also need to think about how long you want the finished video to be. Three minutes is usually the optimal runtime; but if your video is being produced solely for social media, you should look at a duration of 60 seconds or less.

When you’ve nailed down all these key details, you can present a detailed brief to your production company so they have a clear idea of what it is you want to achieve.

3. Get advice and recommendations from your promotional video production team

A good corporate video production company will want to work with you to achieve the best possible results. Work with them and be guided by them, as they’ll be able to give you professional advice on issues such as:

  • How much money your shoot will cost
  • How much you can achieve in a day’s shoot

It might be possible to produce more than one video from a single shoot day. If this is the case, it’s worth preparing more than one brief. You might be able to achieve a full-length video and shorter ones for social media, or even different videos to showcase multiple products or services. Always discuss these things with your production company before the shoot to make sure you can get maximum value for money.

4. Make your shoot day extraordinary

If you want to see the best possible promotional video production success, it’s important to commit to it one hundred per cent. Be prepared to go above and beyond on the day of the shoot. This means taking care of all the little details – would the venue look more appealing if it was decorated with flowers, for example? Would the video have more life if a few extras/staff members were included in the background? Have your actors rehearsed their lines, and are they dressed appropriately?

Even something as simple as cleaning and tidying the shoot locations before the production can make a world of difference to the overall effect. It’s essential to take the time to notice all these small details before filming starts.

You should also use this opportunity to take plenty of photographs. A video shoot makes an exciting story for your social media pages!

PXW-FS7, Sony's 4K Super 35mm camcorder with E-mount

5. Have a rollout plan

There’s no point having a great promotional video production if you don’t know what you’re going to do with your video once it’s shot and edited. You should have a clear marketing plan before your video has been produced so your video can get straight to work promoting your products and services.

Some of the ways you can use a promotional video include:

  • On your website’s homepage
  • On targeted landing pages
  • On your social media pages
  • In email advertising
  • In online business directories

And, of course, remember to ask your friends and clients to like and share!

Find out more about professional promotional video production

If you’re looking for a professional promotional video production company to help you put all these steps into action, Rockmans Creative Media is here to help. With many years’ experience in both the television and corporate video fields, we have all the expertise you need. Contact our team today to discuss your ideas via or 03 9500 0053 and find out how we can take your project forward.

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