Product demonstration videos that boost sales (with 3 examples)

Josh Rockman Video Production, Video Production tips Leave a Comment

If you’re running a business that designs or sells products, you shouldn’t underestimate the power of demonstration videos. A good product video can help you reach your target audience, and convince those people to choose your products over any others. But how does it work? Here are some of the benefits of demonstration videos that you really need to know.

1. Demonstration videos introduce people to your products

The internet is a wonderful research tool, and consumers are using it to the full. Eighty-one per cent of consumers now research products online before making a purchase. The higher up the search results you can get, the more visible your products will be.

Video is a major ranking factor when it comes to your position in search results. This means, when you include demonstration and training videos on your product pages, you’ll be much more visible to potential customers online. Your videos will bring organic traffic to your website, helping more people to discover just how great your products are.

2. Demonstration videos explain how your products work

Now you’ve got your audience where you want them – on your website – the next step is to show them exactly how your product can solve their pain points and meet their needs. In order to do this, you need to show them how your product works so they can easily see how effective it is.

Camera Operator shooting a demo at an expo

Video is the ideal medium for this, as people find it much easier to understand and retain information that they see in a video when compared to written text. Even if your products are highly technical, demonstration videos can simplify complicated information, making it easier for your audience to understand. You can use graphics, music, animation and a wide variety of other techniques to help viewers grasp the concept of your product and understand exactly how it can help them.

Our first example video is for a defibrillator. The video clearly shows how easy the unit is to operate, (even for a first-time user) and demonstrates how the device gives audio and visual prompts to provide step by step guidance, meaning anyone can use the product without training. This is the devices point of difference and major selling point.

Defibrillator Demonstration Training Video Example

3. Demonstration videos show people how to use the product

We all know that a lot of consumers don’t bother reading instruction manuals, so it’s important that they can understand how to use your product with as little effort as possible. A demonstration video walks viewers through the process step by step. They can see exactly how easy it is to use, proving to them that they’ll have no trouble using the product themselves if they decide to purchase it. This can be an extremely significant deciding factor when it comes to making purchase decisions, as they want a product that will slide effortlessly into their lives.

Our second example video is for a software payment system. It takes the viewer through the process via a scenario of it in use. It shows how quick, easy and secure the system is for both client and their customers. The video is used a selling tool and is a fast and clear way to promote its benefits.

Software Demo Video Example

4. Demonstration videos prove your product is better than the competition

Today’s online marketplace is more crowded and competitive than ever, so it has never been so important to stand out from your competitors. You can use demonstration videos to compare and contrast products to prove that yours is superior to a solution that consumers may have been using before. This is a great way to highlight all the features of your product and show customers just how much more effectively it will solve their problems than their current solution.

It’s worth remembering that 75 per cent of consumers have been convinced to purchase a product after watching a demonstration video online. That’s a lot of potential sales you could be missing out on if you’re not currently using demonstration videos on your website.

The third example is a product comparison video, and shows side-by-side testing to demonstrate how much better and cost-effective industrial wipes are. It’s a short and smart way to convince customers to make the switch to their advantage.

Product Comparison Demo Video Example

Find out more about product demonstration videos

If you want to get a product demonstration video produced for your company, it’s important to choose a professional video company. An amateur video shot on a smartphone simply won’t convince consumers that your product is superior to the other solutions out there. After all, if your competitors are putting more effort into their demonstration videos, people are likely to assume that their products are better, too.

Here at Rockmans Creative Media, our specialist team will be happy to discuss your vision and help to bring your products to life for the people you need to reach. Please contact us to find out exactly how we can help you.

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