Must have business videos

Must Have Video Content for Business Websites

Josh Rockman Video Production, Video Production tips Leave a Comment

Video content for business has exploded over the last few years. If you get video right, it can help your business website to grow, leading to ever-increasing levels of success. But in such a competitive marketplace, how can you make your website marketing videos stand out from the crowd? What is the best type of video content to use if you want to grow your business?

Here, we take a look at some of the formats you should consider using if you want to get the most from your website video marketing.

sony f5 camera capturing vision for a case study video

1. Homepage videos

Including video on the homepage of your website is the ideal way to give potential customers an introduction to your business. Video is the perfect medium for explaining what your organisation does and how you do it. It also helps to drive more traffic to your website – research shows that including video on your website can lead to an increase of 157 per cent in organic traffic from search results pages.

But what type of video should you use on your homepage? The most effective video content for business is a company overview in the style of an interview or mini-documentary, like the below video we produced and created for Oxford Aviation Academy. Interspersing interviews with action footage help to bring the story of your business to life, while the interviews themselves give your brand a human face. The non-scripted delivery creates authenticity and trust.

2. Landing page videos

A landing page always has a specific purpose, such as promoting a particular product or service you offer. This category of video content for business needs to be designed to enhance the information on the page by delving deeper into the benefits of this product or service, or demonstrating how it works. You can see in this demonstration video for Merchant Suite how easily a video can explain how a product or service works using a mixture of footage and graphics.

Including a demonstration or promotional video on your landing page has considerable benefits for your online marketing campaigns, increasing conversions by 80 per cent.

3. Testimonial videos

Building trust and brand loyalty is key to growing your business. Including testimonials on your website is the ideal way to do this, as 84 per cent of people now trust online reviews as much as personal recommendations from people they know.

Capturing a video testimonial

Video testimonials offer a wealth of opportunity. Viewers can see and hear real people talking about their experience with your products or services. Their tone of voice and body language provide authenticity, helping potential customers to trust your brand, as they can relate to the people who have already purchased from you.

This testimonial video we produced for Levimate demonstrates how effective testimonials can be. The people giving the testimonials are professional tradesmen, making other customers much more likely to trust the product.

4. Case study videos

Video case studies are a great way of building brand credibility as they demonstrate how your products or services make people’s lives easier. This video content for business usually present a problem and show how a particular person or company has used your products or services to solve this problem. This gives consumers confidence in what you offer, making them more likely to trust a product or service that has solved the problem they have themselves. This case study video for Hawker Richardson shows how the process works, with one business explaining how another has provided solutions for them.

Video is the most effective method of delivering a case study – 72 per cent of consumers prefer to watch a video than read text about the same subject. This is also true for 59 per cent of executives, so case study videos can help B2B as well as B2C businesses.

Find out more about growing your business using video

High-quality, professionally-produced video content for business is one of the most effective tools for growing your profit. If you would like to find out more, please contact us. Our highly experienced creative team will be happy to discuss your requirements with you.

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